Thursday, July 20, 2017

Birthday Blessings

In a few days, I will have a birthday. Another turn around the sun. Another year to live above ground. Each year, I take a look backwards in order to recognize where I am currently standing. In order to remind myself that it is better to live in the present and look to the future, then to dwell on the past.

Often, we get mired down in the would've, could've and should've game. It is one that is usually fueled by fear and regret. The fear of actually letting go and simply letting life happen. And the regret that your life is not as good as your neighbors or a complete stranger who you have never met. Social media makes this game even more arduous because we get easily saddened and jealous when we look at the successful "Facebook lives" that scroll before us. How did that person every get all of the great stuff? They are not even good people. Why do I have to suffer endlessly? Blah Blah Blah Whine Whine Whine (cue) tears.

When we are actually living these games are seldom played. In fact, if you are truly focused on you and not on the weapons of mass destruction that surround us constantly, we don't have time to participate in such bullshit. We only have time to reflect on what has come to pass, observe where we are standing in the present, and plan for an even better future. We expect obstacles because life is never perfect, and we expect lessons because that is how we develop and grow.

So for those who continue to live with regret and fear, please know that only a little is a requirement for a better life. Fear protects us but too much of it can cripple us. Regret is a reminder of what and how we can do better, but too much can lead to psychosis and mental illness. Balance is the key. Learn what you need to learn and move on. And know that words matter. You can speak life or death into fruition so be mindful.

This new birthday season, I am grateful for the trials and blessings that the previous season has brought me. I am excited about what is just beyond the horizon, and I am prepared to welcome all of it with an open heart and a seeking soul. For those people and things that will no longer be a part of my life, I wish them well on their journey, and am grateful that they are no longer a part of mine. For the previous hurt and misunderstanding that I caused or that was handed to me, I cover them with words of forgiveness.

Today, and every day of this new season is new. I am always thankful for the family and friends that continue to be with me. Even when we chat once a month or once a year, I love it that we can simply pick up where we left off, without guilt or regret. For the students that I have had and for those who I have yet to encounter, know that love and light are always there for you even in the darkest of hours.

Each birthday is your New Year. And it should be celebrated and honored as such. It is a time to get rid of stuff and it is a time to plan for something new. It is also a time for spiritual calibration back to the Source. Thank you God for all that you have done and for all that you continue to do. Lift me up in your arms and remind me that I am love, spirit, truth, and passion. And for all that I am, and for all that I have yet to achieve, I say, Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for still (after all of these years) remaining just who you are...Much growth added, but still that same genuine, "tell it like it is" person.
