Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let it go....

Let it go. As annoying as the tune may be, it is a great reminder about not sweating the small stuff or freeing ourselves of stressful situations, individuals, or environments. This week, I am definitely dealing with some arduous challenges and I have to let…it…go…because I can do nothing definitive to change the path or course of the situation. What I can do is focus on the new project that I am working on by making sure that my mind, body, and spirit are open and ready. I can surround myself with wonderfully positive individuals or even better silence so that I can make time to pray and meditate and get more centered. I can be easily swayed to help and sign up or volunteer my time, services, and intellect without any notion of rest or exhaustion. And that must stop or I must get better at achieving balance. Nothing more healing than a resound, NO, every once in a while.

This life and career with the financial peaks and valleys is one that I choose time and time again. And this year I get to see the fruits of my labor once again take me to a new plateau. Because this life brings me joy and it is time for me to dispose of those things that don’t. Let it go, I say. Simply let it go. No matter what