Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Happy 1 what

On August 18, 2013 I started Confessions of a Single Parent Actress after a long train ride from Philadelphia to Chicago and lots of inspiration. On that day, I remember getting off the train and immediately heading to a local audition and the words, my story, and my need to share the details about this crazy life with others began and the beat continues.

This year has brought many of the goals that I spoke of to fruition and I continue to be excited and open to even more.

I am encouraged by the present and prepared for the future. Despite the fact that my family is always one step away from being on the street (literally and figuratively) I would not trade this journey for any other. My daughter published her first book and I finally have representation that believes in my plan and is helping me bring it to fruition. I have surrounded myself with like minded friends and have silently moved away from the naysayers and dream killers.

This is my time and I look forward to more reconnections with other artists/friends and to working on projects that lift my spirit and fulfill my soul. Words and lyrics that make me stretch and grow. And a life that makes me smile from the inside out.

It is not easy being a single parent actress but I welcome the challenge and joys each and every day. And I thank all of those who continue to read and follow my blog. Continue to read and share with others.

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