Today, I am sitting here thinking about a quote from an article featuring Viola Davis. "I get a gag order placed on me. They didn't want to see your liberation. They don't want to see your mess. They don't want to see you." And I realized that it took her to reach a certain point before she could admit these truths to the world and to herself. She also mentioned how much time had been wasted hiding behind people's expectations and by staying in a box.
I say fuck that!
Yesterday, I was reminded that my self worth is vital. It is important that I remember and acknowledge who I am to me. Not who I am because I have done this or because I know a certain person, and not even because I have this amount of education. I am important simply because, I am. Many of us need to be reminded of that so that we don't hand over our dreams to dream killers, and so we never forget who we are. Even when love has been stripped away and you feel a sense of darkness surrounding you, know that YOU are the light that you seek.
Stop surrounding yourself with people who are living a half life or simply a non-life. Stop embracing those who are predators of your light and time. Stop trying to be something that you truly do not want to be. And stop trying to impress others with this false sense of excellence and success. Align yourself in your truth, embrace it, and then walk the path as it opens up in front of you.
For those who wake up each morning with little to no joy for what they are doing, find another way. Because sadness and despair is contagious and this world has seen enough of that bullshit.
If it is time for a change. Then make a plan, write it down, create a vision board, and make it happen. Ask for help. And like Shondra Rimes stated in her previous book, learn how to say Yes and stop saying Later. And please stop expecting negative people to do or be different, just be mindful of boundaries.
Each of us only have today. And trust me, there are times that I want to ball into a fetus and simply give the fuck up. And I allow myself to have a pity party replete with hats, food, drinks, and whining. But then, I sit up and start working my plan. And shedding.
Now if the obstacles appear insurmountable and it truly feels as if God has left you completely alone, then it is time to ask if this is the right path. Sometimes shitty things happen to redirect you or to get you to pay attention to SOMETHING NEW, something better! Or that you have been here before and it is time to stop repeating the cycle of pain. During these moments, we must hunker down and listen. Get real quiet and do the work so that when a new door does open you are prepared and ready.
Just never give up. Surround yourself with dreamers who do the work. And live your life with truth and fearlessness. Keep taking it day by day. Because many of us just simply do not like the life we are living and that should never be. So choose a path, take some risks, BREATHE and Live, Live, Live!! And most of all be seen in all your splendor.
I am important simply because, I am.