I want to take a moment to say what we have all been thinking. Well at least all of the Black and Brown people. I just want to say on behalf of all of us, Thank you President Trump. Yes. I am not on drugs nor have I been hit on the head. I truly want to say thank you for bringing racism out of its hiding place for all to see.
You see, for far too long we have been hiding behind coded language like voter IDs, redistricting, gentrification, and all of those pesky laws and reforms that make the great majority of this country truly believe that America is no longer racist. Remember School House Rock and its melting pot? And my personal favorite....We now live in a post racial society. KKK who? Nobody needs to fear because today our President elect just asked a man who has a gold seal of approval from David Duke to lead his transition into office . If you are drawing a blank, the Klan. The KKK tweeted, "Excellent!" I can't make this up.
We will no longer have arguments about who is or who is not racist, because we have put it back on the map. In fact, it is right where it has always been, no longer hidden in plain sight. And for that, I am grateful. No more pretense and no more pretending. We can simply say, "This law is being passed to hurt the poor, Blacks, Latinos, and immigrants." "We will continue to fund prisons because it is a great way to uphold the loophole in the 13th amendment." How's that for honesty?
I must say, I thought the world was going to hell in a hand basket and then I realized, this is a great day to be alive. The day that no one can ever say that racism is not alive and well. No more debates about class and how race divides people. Why can't we all just get along? Blah blah blah. We can simply state the obvious, the United States is a very racist country and now she has revealed her true self for EVERYONE to see. Not just to those who have been privy to it since the colonies were just a mere idea.
So thank you President Trump. Racism lives and the fear of change by the majority is the reason that we never will.
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