There have been times when my life as an artist and parent have brought me to a proverbial cliff. And when I felt as if I wanted to leap or simply throw my hands in the air and say, Fuck it! Someone or some circumstance grabbed me by the back of my shirt and yanked me back into the world. The last time I spoke about how faith sustains me. But I also have a support system. It consists of fellow artists, family, loyal friends, and at times strangers.
They are the ones who keep me sane in an insane career. One that is filled with rejection, no, and uncertainty. When I am onstage or involved in a project, I feel as if am top of the world. But when I am waiting to hear news after a great callback or to simply hear if I scored the job that is when the darkness can come and find a place in your spirit. When bills are due I begin to doubt my abilities and talents and I wonder if this is really the pathway for me. At that moment, I reach over and grab my phone. Not to call and talk about my own stuff. But, to listen to a friend share some good news or their own stuff. The stories of them not giving up encourage me and remind that this is a marathon and not a race. As Jenifer Lewis so eloquently stated, "Sometimes you have to take the stairs." And I am still climbing baby.
I remember my mom's willingness to drop everything and fly to Philly so that I can go and do a show. I remember my friend who will take my daughter to her Cambodian Dance Festival while I am on stage. I am reminded of a fellow choir parent who offers a ride to my daughter when we both have concerts on the same day. I remember the loan given to me so that I can pay my SAG dues so that I can report to the set. I remember that despite everything I am still here. And I am thriving.
Make sure you have a support system. That is my advice to all emerging artists. It does not have to be an entourage but it should be individuals who have your back no matter what. Shady and jealous people need not apply!
Thank you to those who continually have my back and thank you for those that have opted out of my life (I wish you well wherever you are).
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