When do you take care of self? Each day? Once a month? Annually? Never? Many of us, unfortunately, do not take great self care of ourselves. We get mired in schedules and deadlines, building and eliminating relationships, or simply trying to live day by day. In this business, we are pursuing auditions, discovering rejection, building new relationships with casting directors, trying to avoid unemployment, and mostly trying to share our indescribable talent with others without falling into a personal pity party or temporary despair or even worse losing our way.
This is when we need to get away. And we need to include in that crazy schedule of ours days to simply unwind, breathe, meditate and rest. Only then can we continue to strive for our best selves because we are clear and ready to accept things with clarity and truth. So this weekend begins a get away for me. I am leaving everything in this apartment and I am simply taking a pen and notebook. If I want to write, I will. If I want to sleep in and not wake to an alarm, I will. If I want to simply shut my phone completely off, then I will do that too. If I want to eat S'mores for breakfast, I will do that too. I may even bring some books. None about race, education, or politics, but books about self love, spirituality, beauty, and the four agreements. Because these few days are truly about healing and silencing the ticking time bomb in my head so that I can return and accomplish all things.
I advise all of us to take a moment to check in and make sure that we are enjoying life, friends, family, and most of all ourselves. Are we making sure that we are taken care of before anything and anyone else? If not, then eventually, we will be no good to any of those who we love dearly and the health of our own mind, body, spirit, and soul will be in jeopardy.
So get away and be done with the guilt because we all deserve and need these moments.
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