The idea of fear has been a constant conversation during the past few weeks. The fear of the unknown. Fear of crossing the right path. Fear of starting a new relationship. Fear of forgiveness. Or simply the fear that is constantly fueled by fear. How does one conquer fear once and for all?
I truly believe that fear never leaves us. We simply find a way to make sure that it does not handicap us or stop us from achieving our greatest potential. When you feel stagnant or simply immobile. Stuck at a job that you despise or never truly discovered what you want to be when you grow up, that is usually a symptom of fear. In my life fear has served as a motivator. When I am the most afraid that is a sure sign that I am on the right path. The path that will take the most risk and will reap the greater harvest.
When dealing with fear you must locate a belief system. Without God and my spiritual development, fear would absorb my very essence until I disappeared. When you don't believe in anything outside of material gain or manipulating the system, then fear will always be a source of agony for you and your happiness will be short lived. You must fill your spirit and soul with something substantial. And that is only possible with prayer and belief that someone or something greater than you has your back because faith in mere mortals will not be enough. As you push closer to an epiphany, the fear becomes more tangible, real, and frightening. If you don't want to disappear into the dark, you must fill your space and life with enough light to make it to the other side.
This week I have learned that my path is mine alone. I have learned that it will not always be easy, but I will always be taken care of. I have also learned that I jump headfirst into fearful spaces because I am more frightened of not trying. I am encouraged by Scripture and I am strengthened by simply putting one foot in front of the other, and never giving up.
What will you do with your fear when it come again?
I choose to make it a companion as opposed to an enemy. I choose to live as opposed to "what ifs." I choose each and every time because I know I am not alone on this leap of faith because I have seen God's hands literally carry me when I was to weak to stand, and that is all I need. And you know what? Fear knows it too. And that is how I deal with it. What's your plan?
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