Thursday, December 29, 2016

Damn you 2016!!!!

Well, the year started with the death of one of my favorite artists, Natalie Cole. And each week another amazing person rolled on out. As of today, there must be a kick ass concert going on in heaven as I write. With each death, I was reminded of the living. And this year continues to remind me of the half-life that many of us exist in.

The level of poverty in the country continues to increase. Here, in Philadelphia County, we rank #1 in the top ten cities for poverty. One of the largest local companies continues to pay no taxes. Thank you Comcast! Philadelphia Public School teachers are now entering year #5 with no contract and no raises. The number of jobs sent overseas is on the uptick. There are many raising entire families on $8.50 per hour and we still fight for $15. The US has the best health care system, yet it is also still the most inaccessible (even with the Affordable HealthCare Act). Russia continues to befriend those countries who literally hate us. And we just elected a President based solely on the sins of the United States. We can all now shout from the rooftops just how racist, sexist, and elitist our country has always been.

Television and film continue to fly past theatre by including more actors, directors, and artists of color. The beauty of Luke Cage. Moonlight, Queen Sugar, Atlanta, Insecure, Pitch, and more continue to showcase the true diversity of our American culture. It has been a breath of fresh air, and there are nearly 70 new pilots expected that will feature even more Black and Brown actors. Yasss!!! Some good news.

My church home of 9 years shut its doors in what felt like a hostile takeover. It reminded me that church governance is often devoid of faith, love, and most of all God.

Guns continue to proliferate urban cities. And our country continues to amass more guns than any other country. Annnnd we continue to incarcerate more citizens than anyone else. Please watch 13th and read the New Jim Crow, just in case you think I am pulling your leg.

Oh, and I moved to an awesome apartment. Thanks to a thoughtful referral. More good news!

2016 has been filled with good, bad, and in between. Many critique the attention given to the famous that have died because we have more dire circumstances to content with. All of that is true. But, many that have died this year provided some respite from the chaos and the bullshit. Many provided the soundtrack to my childhood, teen, and adult memories. Good and Bad. It reminds me that we have a lot of work to do. 2017 will be no different for many, but for those who have had the privilege of walking around with blinders on, this will be a fucking brand new day for you.

I will continue to walk through life fighting the good fight and making sure that I share love and joy when I can. Because it is easy to forget that the best way to get through the bullshit, is to shine a very bright light on it and then surround it with love. Because only love eradicates hate. And we can only get there through uncomfortable truth. Only then will we all truly live and leave those half-lives in the dust. Happy New Year!!


  1. So as a brand new anointed grand mother I am fiestier as ever Tamara! I have moved past this bullshit election! The political news for most of us isn't really anything new, seriously! I'm relaxing in a center city hotel awaiting an MRI at Jefferson! You have spoken so many truths and while visiting California during Christmas break the Philadelphia School District made the news as being a district without a contract! And as you pointed a we've been without a contract for 5 years now!
    There are so many points of pride in my educator's career . Each successful point involves my students and their parents not 440 North Broad Street!
    I think the deaths of so many in 2016 is something that needs attention. Prior to the deaths of several famous people in Hollywood there was a horrific reporting of more that three dozen people in Chicago being shot and at least 12 reported as fatalities. They are also in my thoughts. 2017 has to be a better year or can we just have a 2016 do over? Nah I want to move forward with my intentional consciousness and a deliberate mission to vibe away bullshit in the new year! I welcome 2017 Tamara! Thank you for your insight( s)!

  2. I am looking forward to great things in 2017! I'm starting with positive images of educators BD ttheir students! The politicians inn this city have painted Educators with a narrow brush I'm tired of it! It's Tito change at narrative!
