A few days ago marked a month in the Trump Presidency. In a month, there have been travel bans, lies, false terrorist attacks, LGTBQ threats, and more lies. Not to mention a cabinet that traded in their white sheets for a suit and tie, but did not trade in their beliefs. There have not only been daily and weekly protests, but the media has banned White House staff from speaking. Now this may appear as if I describing an episode of the Twilight Zone, but I am describing actual events, reality. The problem is the constant shock at how this happened. This is a problem because it is time for a crash course in karma.
Trump being President and all of the crazy that comes with it, is simply "The Chickens coming home to roost," as Malcolm X said so eloquently. When an entire country is built on the construct of racism and hate mongering, then the truth of that will manifest itself in leadership. And that is how we got here. We can always blame poverty and the unemployment rate. That argument always sounds like this, "Before you say that America is great make sure that everyone agrees." That is just a symptom of a bigger problem. This country has been playing the game of injustice, inequality and lack of access for so long that we forgot that it is the very reason that WE created a racial construct in the first place. The question is not why we use the term, "nigger," the question is, "Why do we need a nigger in the first place?" (James Baldwin)
Even are protests invite the marginalized to the table after the fact. And I despise the term marginalized, It makes it appear as if we have no power, Which could not be further from the truth. We have all the power because we have been privy to the actions, motives and tools of those in power for ALL of our lives, from birth. That makes us a powerful enemy if that is what we chose to be. If we chose to be the architects and the actors in the truth revolution there would be no contest. But, lucky for you we also strive for humanity and most of all we strive for a just world. But, none of this is possible if white tears continue to be collected in large buckets. This is not the time for tears. This is not the time for sympathy. This is not the time for well meaning social media posts that support your "marginalized" friends. This is the time for truth.
The truth is America birthed this presidency from her own blood, sweat, tears, and effort. America is a country where the American dream has been a nightmare for most. America is ready to be different because now everyone is thrust into a space of discomfort and panic. Maybe now we can throw off the shackles and truly deal in what is real and what has always been post-racial sanitized bullshit. Even the news can't stomach this BS. And that is a first.
Check your list of friends and comrades. Make sure that they include folks who do not look like you, live like you, or even think like you. Destroy the idea that real democracy every existed for everyone, and begin to build a better, more honest system that is actually democratic. Acknowledge the cycle of domestic violence that Brown and Black people have had with America forever. Remember, one does not lynch, kill, tar and feather, rape, or terrorize anyone without being affected on a deep psychological level. Victims and abusers are both mentally maligned. Recognize this truth and then healing can start.
So stop complaining and know that the highest levels of poverty and death from depression exist in native communities, Black and Brown communities, and that Trans women of color are killed at the highest rate, yet their deaths go unspoken. This is just a small list of the debts that have been collected and unpaid by American society. Now those bills are due. Karma is a bitch.
Yes Karma is a bitch!
ReplyDeleteFolks need to take care of themselves.
Practice mindfulness , breathe and try not to slap any of the bitches in DT' s administration !