Every now and then I have to evaluate if I am using my time wisely. Often I am guilty of signing up for another responsibility, another cause or another project. And then before I know it, I am dreading attending meetings or I book a show out of town which takes me out of the loop completely. This is when I have to decide what needs to be shed from my life. I have to decide what and who fits seamlessly into my single parent actress activist existence. Sometimes I receive support for my decisions and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I can have am honest conversation about why I did what I did, and sometimes I select to have a very filtered conversation.
So thanks to my time in the Aspen mountain air, I just got rid of some more stuff. And it felt good and more importantly it felt necessary. Because I also forgot to mention that these moments are some of the few times that I make decisions just for me and for my soul. So yes, it always feels good and as I get older it happens more often and it gets even easier.
As artists we have to be ever aware that we include time to create. Time to be in the world that brings us breath and life. Because we have to bring that light to the work or else we can easily be swallowed whole.
What or who do you need to get rid of?
Love this Tamara. Knew the Aspen air would be a balm...